CoverGirl OutLast Stay Brilliant GlossTinis in Seared Bronze 630

CoverGirl OutLast Stat Brilliant GlossTinis in Seared Bronze 6301.JPG

CoverGirl OutLast Stay Brilliant GlossTinis in Seared Bronze 630

Hi Everyone,

Republic day is near and the temperature in Bangalore dropped a few degrees. I was loving the warm and sunny weather a few days back. I learned from news that north India is having very low temperature in January last week this time. Usually this kind of weather we face in December end and January first week. But during that time the temperature was moderate and it was in news too.

Coming back to the reviews, this nail paint that I have and going to review today is amazing. I have done so many different types of NOTDs and I want to share one with you. 

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Nail Trend Nail Enamel by Reliance in shade A11 Royal Mauve Review and NOTD

Nail Treands in Royal Mauve A11_1.JPG

Nail Trend Nail Enamel by Reliance in shade A11 Royal Mauve

 Hi Everyone,

This is my first review on nail paint form Reliance Nail Treands. The shade I am going to review today is in A11 Royal Mauve.  I have about 10 shades from this brand and they are dirt cheap . They are nice and available in many eye catching shades. All the nail paints are available at Reliance Outlets and you will not get them online.

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