My Summer Essentials For 2014

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Summer Essentials

 Hi Everyone,

Today I am posting my summer essentials for summer 2014. I was on vacation last month at my native where the mercury rises above 43. I love summers but the temperature here could make you mad and can cause heat stroke. Keep yourself hydrated during this kind of weather and don’t go out in sun with empty stomach or without drinking sufficient water. Many dies from heat stroke so do take a good care of yourself in May and June when the heat is at its peak. Aam Panna is an appetizing drink made from raw mangoes and it also works as medicine or prevention for heat stroke. Now, take a good look at my summer essentials which helped me surviving the unbearable heat.

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Sun Protection And Care From Oriflame


 Oriflame Sun Protection And Care

 Hi Everyone,

Today I am going to tell you about sun protection from Oriflame and give you few tricks and tips to keep your skin healthy. If you want to kepp your skin glowing and fresh in this summer season follow these simple rules with a good quality sun protection.

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