Boroline Antiseptic Ayurvedic Cream Review

Boroline Antiseptic Ayurvedic Cream

Hi Everyone,

We all have antiseptic creams in our first aid boxes and today I am going to review one of this from boroline. I remember my mother using it while we were growing up. Some wound or minor bruises are integral part of almost everyone’s childhood. It was mine to and like any other normal child I manage to get some injuries time to time while playing badminton, running or cycling. My brother was champion in getting some really serous injuries and end up getting tetanus shots. But still my mother would clean the wound with some antiseptic liquid and apply this cream.


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Roop Mantra Ayurvedic Cream Review

Roop Mantra Ayurvedic Cream

Hi Everyone,

Today, I am going to review the Roop Mantra Ayurvedic cream which came with the facewash (review here) last month. Roop Mantra Ayurvedic cream is  very popular and is from Divisa Herbal care which makes many other recognized products like Dr. Ortho, Accumass, and Kesh king etc. Without creating suspense I will straight away share my experience with the cream. 

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Homemade Lemongrass Toner DIY

Homemade Lemongrass Toner

Homemade Lemongrass Toner

 Homemade Lemongrass Toner


Toners are used  to cleanse the skin and shrink the appearance of pores. Toners are mainly used to hydrate your skin before miniaturization but alcoholic toners might dry out your skin. Store bought toners might contain alcohol so it is advisable to use either rose water or homemade toners if you want to sty away from alcoholic toners called astringent.

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