Palmolive Shower Massage Gel Review

Hi Everyone,

The climate here in Bengaluru is good, days are sunny and nights are cool. Hope you all had a blast this Holi season. Today is First day of Chaitra Navratri and Hindu new year, so I hope the blessings of the New Year protect you from every harm throughout the upcoming year. Wishing you and your family a joyful and prosperous Vikram Samvat 2080! May God always bless you. Coming back to the today’s review, during this period you incline to get very dry skin especially on my arms and legs therefore do keep yourself moisturized and scrub often. I have been using this Palmolive Shower Massage Gel since a very long time and will review it today. Do continue to read and find if it’s a good option as a body scrub or not.

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