Paper Boat Aam Panna Review

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Paper Boat Aam Panna

 Hi Everyone,

Summer is on full swing now here in north India at my native and we are waiting for rain to save us from the scorching heat. Heat stroke is very common during this time of year in north and we all need to drink aam panna to keep oneself safe from the stroke.

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Paper Boat Jamun Kala Khatta Review

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Paper Boat Jamun Kala Khatta

 Hi Everyone,

The next drink I had tried from paper boat was Kala Khatta which is a jamun (also known as java plum) juice. Jamun tastes sour and so does its juice. It is a summer fruit in India and usually eaten with salt. It is a berry type fruit and look purple in color due to presence of a plant pigment called anthocyanin. When eaten it makes tongue and teethes also purple in color.

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Paper Boat Aamras Drink Review

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 Paper Boat Aamras Drink

Hi Everyone,

My family loves mangoes and since it is a seasonal fruit and not available throughout the year we buy drinks in mangoes flavor. We have tried so many mango drinks but only few of them suited out taste buds. This summer we tried a new brand of Aamras called Oaoer Boat. Read on to know more about the drink.

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