Ashwini Homeo Arnica Hair Oil Review

Ashwini Homeo Arnica Hair Oil Review

Hi Everyone,

Winter season is coming to end and we are preparing to welcome the spring season. Most of us get hair problems in winter like dandruff, dry rough hair, split ends, hair fall. If you are already have these problems then it gets increases during winter which we all have faced. Last year I came across an oil which is a Homeopathic Medicine and claims to cure all the above hair problems. I mostly prefer natural remedies and have been using homeopathy medicines since my childhood. I got this to try out and read on to know more about its claims. 

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Bajaj Almond Drop Non Sticky Hair Oil Review

Bajaj Almond Drop Hair Oil

Bajaj Almond Drop Non Sticky Hair Oil With Vitamin E

 Hi Everyone,

I am back with another review and this time it’s a hair oil that one of my aunt have been using it for long time and she is totally satisfied with the results it gave. My aunt have long hair and she have been using this hair oil for quite a long time may be almost 17-18 years now. I faced severe hair fall 3-4 months before and tried so many hair oils and changed many shampoo. This was one of the hair oil I used in the first month of my hair fall. Read on to know that it helped me in reducing hair fall or not.

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