Sunsilk Natural Recharge Conditioner Review

Sunsilk Natural Recharge Shampoo And Conditioner.JPG

Sunsilk Natural Recharge Conditioner

 Hi Everyone,

I have already posted review on Sunsilk natural recharge shampoo and today I am going to review its conditioner which was with the shampoo. This also claims to be parabens free, neutral pH and contains ginseng root and oil.

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Sunsilk Natural Recharge Shampoo Review

Sunsilk Natural Recharge Shampoo And Conditioner_2.JPG

Sunsilk Natural Recharge Shampoo

 Hi Everyone,

My daughter’s summer vacation is coming to end now and will soon return to Bangalore. The temperature here have crossed 43 already and yet no sign of rain. The weather here is very hot and humid which make me sweat every time. I shampoo my hair almost every day or alternate day and was a little worried about the ill effects of shampoo which is loaded with chemicals. I had received a gift hamper of Sunsilk natural therapy recharge shampoo and conditioner (review here) last month from Indiblogger and decided to use it after reading about its claims.

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